The Royal West of England Academy (RWA) has a vibrant programme of exhibitions throughout the year, including the annual Autumn Exhibition, which attracts British artists and internationally renown artists.
The RWA is one of only five Royal Academies of Art in the UK. It is a registered charity which has been self-supporting for over 150 years and possesses an outstanding Grade II* listed building, galleries and permanent fine art collection. The RWA has HM Queen Elizabeth II as its patron.
Education is an important element in any art gallery experience and the RWA aims to supply programmes that provide quality art education in the gallery environment for all levels of ability, age and understanding. More details about forthcoming events and the types of activities offered can be found on the Education pages.
The RWA is an established venue for the fine arts and embraces an artistic awareness of the widest nature. The art exhibition programme provides a showcase for one man and mixed exhibitions in a variety of media, which attract large numbers of British Art visitors.
The Art Academy is situated in the academic heart of Bristol where Queens Road meets Whiteladies Road. The Art Gallery is open every day except Easter Sunday and 25 December - 3 January.
Red Rag British Art Gallery Artists who are members of the RWA include:
Richard Dack,
Margaret Lovell,
Dawn Sidoli