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Stephen MANGAN's art works click here

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Right now we are waiting for new Stephen MANGAN Landscape Art to arrive at the gallery. In the meantime, here is a wider selection of the artist's work featured at the Red Rag Modern Gallery.

Modern Art:
Stephen MANGAN

Art For Sale

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Modern Artist Stephen MANGAN - Galleon
Modern Artist Stephen MANGAN - Bather and the Balloon



Art by Stephen MANGAN

Bather and the Balloon
Stephen MANGAN - Bather and the Balloon

Modern Art and Artists at Red Rag Gallery
Artist: Stephen MANGAN

Edinburgh born in 1964, Stephen Mangan graduated with a BA Honours degree from Duncan of Jordanstone Art College, Dundee, in 1988. Following his post graduate diploma in 1989, Stephen Mangan’s work has been acknowledged with many prestigious awards and scholarships over the years and has been shown in numerous solo and group exhibitions throughout the UK, USA, Hong Kong and Holland.

Mangan’s figurative work is particularly distinctive with an otherworldly feel. Favourite themes include racecourses, train stations, beaches, harbours, fairgrounds, cafes and theatres where the busy scenes are almost eerily calm with each figure engaged in their individual, quiet contemplation.

Stephen Mangan says, “I’m interested in the relationship between people and certain leisure environments; how they, or we, fit into the world. I seem to be drawn to people in group situations, yet I paint them as separate individuals who do not look as though they are with other people. It is an odd type of interaction”.

Mangan’s style is methodical with careful consideration given to composition. Razor-sharp lines - as seen in boats masts, racing posts, beach huts and horizons - create a pleasing geometry to guide the eye and provide balance to the roundness of the main figures - the boats, horses and people, for example.

Stephen Mangan’s use of chiaroscuro (light/shade) technique emphasises the atmospheric feeling in his work. “It’s a slow process where the paintings are carefully planned, built-up thinly and glazed often. I use light to create depth, shadows and contrast”. This technique echoes the geometric elements, light coming through a window, for example, or in shadows cast diagonally across a scene.

Mangan’s transcendent work is considered highly collectable and is held in many private and public collections globally including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. In addition to Red Rag Scottish Art Gallery, Stephen Mangan’s artwork has been exhibited at other leading British Art Galleries. Each painting at Red Rag Gallery is sourced from Stephen Mangan’s artist’s studio and, like all Red Rag Scottish Art and Contemporary Art, can be shipped worldwide.

You are viewing the Red Rag Modern Art Gallery art page for contemporary Landscape paintings from the best of today's contemporary artists. At Red Rag Gallery we offer a wide and varied selection of Modern art covering Landscape subjects and vistas. Landscape paintings have held a special place within the Modern art world for many years and we are pleased to represent so many talented artists of this art genre.

The Red Rag website provides a comprehensive listing covering Modern art and Landscape paintings. Each Landscape painting in the Modern art portfolio is displayed with details on size, price and availability.

Many of the paintings featured in this Modern art website were started and completed by each artist within the Landscape being painted. And, all the contemporary Landscape paintings shown here have been supplied from the Modern art studio of each artist. This guarantees the paintings are genuine pieces of contemporary Modern art from the artist.

Red Rag Modern Art Gallery is open every day for the purchase of Modern Art. Like all Red Rag Modern art purchases each contemporary Landscape painting can be sent throughout the world by our art shipment service

To view the Landscape art work of each artist simply click on the artists name or image. If you would like to purchase or require further information about Red Rag Modern art or landscape paintings please contact Red Rag Modern Art Gallery

To receive updates on artist Stephen MANGAN's Modern art and art works at Red Rag Gallery click here

or CALL RED RAG NOW on 01225 332223 or outside the UK +44 1225 332223.


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